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Crystal Skulls

A Journey of Experience, Wisdom and the Divine

von Kirsten Hilling

ISBN 978-3-89094-705-1 (ISBN10 3-89094-705-0),
176 Seiten, Softcover, Format DIN-A5, - English Edition (IN ENGLISCH!) with 8 photo-pages of the Crystal Skulls and her owner.
1. Auflage, 24,95 €     kaufenBuch in den Warenkorb legen

Dies ist das Cover des Buches Crystal Skulls, erschienen im Bohmeier Verlag.


Once again “Kasper” informed Kirsten Hilling that the spiritual world and the crystal skull consciousness asked her to co-create a new unique project to bring the energy of the crystal skulls to the world.
Together with world-famous crystal skull experts (and co-autors), like ...

Lisa Ausic, Joseph Bennett, Sylvia van Dinter, Barbara Hofstetter, Star Johnsen-Moser, Rhian Kivits, Jolanda Klaassen, Jerry Koestal, Kathleen Murray, Bart Peters, Jan Prins, Richard van Rijswijk, Andrew Robson, Wijnand Veldhuizen, Sherry Whitfield,

... who will be part of the “Crystal Skull Event” in Holland in May and some others, she offers a magical journey of experiences, awareness, wisdom and divine to the reader.

Each author shares with the reader his own very special path with crystal skulls, shares unique experiences, offers suggestions and opens new perspectives to all of us. We get to know about the importance of the crystal skulls for the unfolding new age.
The reader will go together with our crystal skull experts on a exciting, interesting and unique journey to never ending self-experience, awareness, oneness and unconditional love.

  • Credits
  • Introduction “Crystal Skulls and the New Age”
  • Crystall Skulls as a Connection to Ourselves by Lisa Ausic
  • Crystal Skull Compassion by Joseph Bennett
  • Crystal Skulls Experiences by Sylvia van Dinter
  • Crystal Skulls and their Importance for the Upcoming New Age by Kirsten Hilling
  • The Trinity of the Divine Feminine Aspect of the Virgin by Barbara Hofstetter
  • My Crystalline Journey into Oneness by Star Johnsen-Moser
  • Crystal Skulls and the New Age - The Alchemy of Awakened Consciousness by Rhian Kivits
  • Restoring Divinity in Co-Creation with the Crystal Skulls by Jolanda Klaassen and Wijnand Veldhuizen
  • My Skulls and Their Story by Jerry Koestal
  • The Wisdom of Crystal Skulls by Kathleen Murray
  • Crystal Skulls and the New Age by Bart Peters
  • The Crystal Skull and the Secret of the Grail by Jan Prins
  • Sand Circles and Crystal Skulls by Richard van Rijswijk
  • A Light-Workers Magical Journey with the Crystal Skulls and their Message for the Dawning Aquarian Age by Andrew Robson
  • Synergy: We Work Together for the Greatest Good by Sherry Whitfield
  • Table of Authors
  • About Kirsten Hilling
  • Bibliography
  • ISBN 978-3-89094-705-1, 176 Seiten, Softcover, Format DIN-A5, - English Edition (IN ENGLISCH!) with 8 photo-pages of the Crystal Skulls and her owner.
    Preis: 24,95 €

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